Goal Setting - Persistence

Persistence - The results of a Harvard Study
August 17, 2023 by
Goal Setting - Persistence
Bruce Oliver

During a study conducted at Harvard University in 1957, a remarkable discovery was made by Dr. Curt Richter. His experiment involved placing rats in a pool of water to test their endurance in treading water. On average, the rats would give up and ultimately drown after around 15 minutes. However, Dr. Richter and his team introduced an intriguing twist to the experiment. Just before the rats reached the point of exhaustion and surrender, they were rescued from the water, dried off, allowed to rest for a few minutes, and then put back in the pool for a second round.

One may naturally assume that the rats, having already swum until failure only moments ago, would last only a fraction of the time in their second attempt. However, the results of this experiment were nothing short of astounding. The rats, propelled by a newfound belief, swam for an astonishing 60 hours – the equivalent of 2.5 days! This stark difference in endurance led the researchers to a fascinating conclusion. It was clear that the rats' unyielding belief in their eventual rescue pushed their bodies far beyond what they had previously thought possible.

This experiment serves as a powerful reminder of the potential within each of us. If a belief, even within the limited realm of rats, can produce such extraordinary results, imagine what a belief in oneself and one's capabilities can accomplish. We are often faced with challenges that test our resolve and push us to our limits. It is during these times that maintaining a strong belief in ourselves becomes crucial.

When we believe in ourselves, we tap into a wellspring of inner strength and resilience. We become unstoppable forces, capable of pushing our bodies, minds, and spirits to levels we never thought attainable. Our belief serves as a guiding light, propelling us forward and empowering us to overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. So, my fellow travelers on this journey called life, remember what you are capable of. Remember why you are here and the dreams, aspirations, and goals that burn within you. When faced with challenges that threaten to deter you, hold on to that unwavering belief in yourself and your abilities. Embrace the belief that you have the power to achieve greatness, to conquer your fears, and to swim against the currents of adversity.

Like those remarkable rats that discovered an unyielding belief in their eventual rescue, let us discover and nurture our own unshakable belief in ourselves. Let it be the driving force that propels us forward, enabling us to swim against the tides, rise above, and achieve the extraordinary. Remember, dear reader, to keep swimming and to never, ever quit.

As Winston Churchill once said: "Never give up!" 

Bruce Oliver